TPE Onsite on a Budget

Hello UGA!

I hope that you are all having a lovely Thursday so far.  I wanted to make you aware of a blog post from The Placement Exchange website: TPE Onsite on a Budget.  I know a few of you will be attending TPE, so this may be helpful!



A Few Helpful Articles

Hello UGA!

The Placement Exchange has been posting some great stuff on their Facebook page, most of which would be useful regardless of whether you are attend TPE Onsite or not.  The first is a funny/nerdy guide to navigating and networking on LinkedIn, found below:

The second article provides advice and suggestions on how to answer one of the most common and difficult interview questions, “what is your greatest weakness?”

Hopefully these articles will provide some useful tips as you continue through your job search.



Searching Institutions Through TPE

Happy Friday!

It is getting closer and closer to TPE Onsite in New Orleans, and TPE Online is constantly posting new jobs that you can apply for today!  A great feature of the TPE Website is that you can search for jobs by institution.  This way, you can discover jobs from colleges and universities across the nation and different functional areas, or search in a specific region if that is your preference.  Check out the link below, and have a great long weekend everyone!

