A Few Helpful Articles

Hello UGA!

The Placement Exchange has been posting some great stuff on their Facebook page, most of which would be useful regardless of whether you are attend TPE Onsite or not.  The first is a funny/nerdy guide to navigating and networking on LinkedIn, found below:


The second article provides advice and suggestions on how to answer one of the most common and difficult interview questions, “what is your greatest weakness?”


Hopefully these articles will provide some useful tips as you continue through your job search.



Using Trello and Onsite Orientation

Hey everyone!
The Placement Exchange posted this awesome blog entry on their Facebook page.  It’s all about using Trello, an organization app, during your job search process.  If you have time, I highly recommend checking it out!


Additionally, if you are planning on attending TPE/NASPA, The Placement Exchange is offering Online Candidate Orientation for TPE Onsite 2015.  You can click to link below to register!


Congratulations to all the second year CSAA-M students who completed comprehensive exams this past week!

